The Scientist seen here at his school parade...
...had to be convinced to go out Trick or Treating. Yes, I had to actively argue with him (and Aidan for that matter, that's a whole 'nother story) to go acquire candy. Whose children are they?! Oh, right...Joe's. Me? I'm all about hitting as many houses as humanly possible.
So I managed to get him out and to our neighborhood pre-ToTing party.
This can also be refered to Cocktails for Candy. But that's not relevant here. What is is that after 6 houses Colin decided he was bored and it was much more interesting to stay with Grammy, who very nicely came up to hand out Reece's Peanut Butter Cups, Kit Kats and spider rings to all who braved the trek to our door. Like these kids. In suburbia they really need to work for their chocolate!
So...Colin happily stayed home, answered the door and sorted his candy. And the payoff? The next day, when all the other 6 year olds were too pooped from their sugar-high crash, Colin was in top form and MANAGED TO SCORE A GOAL IN SOCCER. For anyone who has had the
And he may or may not have been rewarded with an ipod shuffle. Hey, so I have been bribing the kid about focusing on school and soccer. And after yesterday AND 2 solid weeks of good daily reports from school? I had to give in. Keep your 'sucker' comments to yourselves, thankyouverymuch!
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