Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wow! Yawn.

From time to time, people are really nice and tell me what a good mom I am. Usually I dismiss this as a nicety, as I'm just doing what I think is expected of me and what I want to do for the boys. And of course I don't share the bad stuff where those same folks would, um, clearly not think the same of me.

But this week, I've twice done something that I'm calling above and beyond the call. I got up with Colin to watch the Leonid meteor shower in the wee hours of the night. Or morning. Whatever you call 3am or 4am.

I got up with him at 3am on Tuesday and 4am on Thursday. Why did we miss Wednesday? Because although this 6 year old child WOKE HIMSELF UP AT 3AM (no alarm!) and came to me to go look, I said, yeah, yeah...let's rest for a few more minutes. And we woke up at 7am with Colin bawling about what he missed.

Colin claims he saw 12 between each day. I count 7. But we had fun looking.

Can you see it?! Yeah, me neither.

1 comment:

~Anne said...

If that makes you a bad mom I will join you on Friday when we promised Caroline we'd take her to the midnight Black Friday opening of the local mall because they are giving away prizes for showing up in your pajamas. She already has hers all picked out!

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