Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why it's good I don't have girls

Colin is obsessed with the Presidents these days (he can name them all in order from memory - except he keeps saying Hillary Clinton not Bill Clinton for #42). So naturally he chose one for his school biography project. This involves writing a report, dressing like the character to read the report and making a 'bottle person' for display in the classroom. He chose Lincoln, but he wishes now he chose Taft since he got stuck in a bathtub since he was so fat. Nice.

Here is Colin with the bottle person. I may or may have not helped, but it's really irrelevant because even if I did, it still looks like it was done by a 2nd grader. I blame this on my lack of practice doing crafts, since little boys aren't exactly known for sitting around and doing artsy things.

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Gosh, I wonder if he was actually right about No. 42. He's a smartypants....maybe he's got not-previously-published insight.

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