Sunday, May 8, 2011

The other Aidan

Doesn't Aidan look great pitching?!

Yeah, I thought so too!! I cheered loudly for him for the 2 innings he pitched, before I saw him move to the outfield for the 3rd inning.

The only problem?

That pitcher?

Is not Aidan.

This was an 11am game. I didn't discover that this was not Aidan pitching until 7:30pm when we all sat down for dinner and I told Aidan to tell Daddy how good he had pitched earlier. He looked completely puzzled and finally convinced me he was not messing with my head, that really wasn't him pitching.

If I get any defense, it was the first game of the season AND I forgot my prescription sunglasses in Joe's car the night before so I had on a regular pair during the game.

Fortunately, none of the others parents from our team were sitting near me. And the othres were hopefully not paying attention to me. At least that is what I'm telling myself.

Happy Mothers Day eve to me!

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Oh wow, I could totally see myself doing that!

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