Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How I Know the Boys are Olympic Obsessed

  1. Overheard tonight: Colin, come quick! Women's curling is on!! And damn, if that 7 year old didn't run to sit next to his brothers on the couch.
  2. I'm getting a bevy of questions about where different countries are* and jubilance when they recognize which country a flag is from. (*Do you think you have a good grasp on modern geography? Sadly, my skills are apparantly lacking. It was much easier when I was 8 and most of these new-fangled countries were just the USSR. Sure, I routinely woke up worried a nuclear bomb would drop at any minute from the evil empire. And god help me if ABC broke in during Love Boat with a Special Report; I was sure I was about to be told I was going to die in the next 30 minutes. But? I rocked back then at knowing all the countries, since there were like 1/3 of how many there are in 2010. PS - don't worry Dad, I am studying the modern maps for our big annual trivia contest. Go PolarMules!)
  3. Colin's current big debate: does he want to be a figure skater or a snowboard cross guy? (Psst. Colin. You might get made fun of for one of those choices. I'm not saying it's right, but I'm just saying.)
  4. The boys seem to think they can translate cheers/commands in other languages. "Yeah, that Japanese woman is saying - a little to the left, go left!" Um, ok. They're very well could right. Can I prove they're wrong?
  5. Today, a snowday, the boys grabbed some filing folders, cut a semicircle, grabbed a marker, added a number then put them over their head to trudge out to the snow for the Windham Olympics and "ski skill" training. Kept 'em busy for hours.
  6. They've memorized all the channels NBC has allowed coverage to be shown on, and they've become quite adept at flipping around to find just the right sport. Going right on past Spongebob and Phinneas & Ferb. If that ain't obsession, I'm not sure what is.

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