Friday, February 19, 2010

The Obsession Hits School

I was talking to Colin's teacher today and she mentioned that he must really love the Olympics. Of course, I agreed. Then she said how funny it was that he was founding his own teams. Say what?

Apparantly, he started by asking the kids in his class to sign up for an Olympic team - summer or winter. He told them they could pick their sport if they wanted, or he and Aidan would assign them as they set up their teams.

Then the situation grew.

He asked his teacher if he could bring his list to recess with all 12 first grade classes. She handed him a clipboard and he was on his merry way. Colin told me tonight that it was very successful to get kids to sign up that way, but that bus line was also a great place to recruit.

Surely, this is a transferrable skill to some future career?


Jami said...

He's a natural organizer! Just make sure he doesn't organize ski jumping off your roof - unless you have 15-foot drifts.

Also - 12 1st grades? Dang! That's a big school! We have 5 kindergarten classes, and I thought that was a lot!

Alyssa said...

we only have one elementary school in town...and a lot of new houses/young families. the school is just K-2.

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