Thursday, March 4, 2010

Colin, by Colin

Tonight was the cirriculum fair at the elementary school. Each class did something a little different, and Colin's class (er, community - they are no longer classrooms in 2010!) did bios that they wrote/typed themselves during their computer lessons. I think most of the words are read-able even with the creative spelling except maybe strobares (strawberries). This pretty much sums up Collie-monster, except there was no mention of space/rockets or the Titanic...his 2 major current obsessions. And? I would like to understand what exactly he means that his job at school is office manager. I would be pretty certain that is self-appointed. And really? He is good at music AND air guitars? Hmm. And so we're all clear. He's not into the Hokey Pokey, but rather hockey. But y'all probably guessed that. And it's also official that he's inherited my night owl tendencies. He likes night and not litenis - aka lightness, or daylight.

1 comment:

~Anne said...

I think it's office *messenger*, ("mesingr"), not manager. And what's wrong with the Titanic? Colin sounds like my kind of guy! :) I love his typing skills.

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